full name claire mavis macwood date of birth + age september 2nd, 1992 + 22 birthplace san francisco, california residence boston, massachusetts occupation nanny relationship status single

Carissa Walker was due to be a Halloween baby. It was something her two eldest sisters weren't too thrilled about, that their mother may or may not be able to take them trick or treating because they had yet another sister on the way. Luck was on their side when Carissa was born a month earlier than expected, her mother's water breaking right in the middle of prepping her oldest daughter, Claire, for elementary school. Twelve hours of labor later and Carissa Vivien Walker was born on September 30th, 1989 to make the Walker family complete. Both of the Walker parents had yearned for a son, especially Calvin Walker, but instead they were blessed with four young girls: Claire, Carrington aka Carrie, Chelsea, and now Carissa.

It was a struggle to keep up in a house full of estrogen. While being the youngest had its perks of being coddled, it got old for Carissa as she grew older. The shy girl wanted to be left to her own devices, whether it was to catch frogs by the creek or read a book in her father's study. Her parents often worried that her shyness would be problematic for her. They encouraged her to scamper around with the neighborhood children and befriend more kids at school but Carissa was fearful that she wouldn't measure up to not one, not two, but three older sisters who had carved out their own paths. Her parents were supportive of whatever endeavors she threw herself into, save for bringing home the occasional stray animal or injured bird to nurse it back to health. Her fondness for animals started at an early age, feeling more relaxed interacting with God's creatures than people. Again, it was something that was chalked up to her shy and reserved nature and didn't raise any alarms among her parents. Her mother and father did push her to join school activities to help her socialize with her peers and Carissa obliged. She entered spelling bees and science fairs, often bringing home first or second prize. She was encouraged to break out of her shell by joining drama club and make friends by joining track and field - her love for the outdoors and running had prepped her for a successful middle and high school track career.

Carissa proved to be a dream come true when she was a teenager, opting for quiet nights in rather than sneaking out to local parties. She rarely got in trouble, save for a few incidents for skipping school or refusing to dissect a frog in her biology class. While she remained in the shadow of her older sister Chelsea who was an upperclassmen while Carissa was a freshman, her high school experience was a far cry from being a nightmare. She earned good grades, participated in sports and clubs, and held a few friends near and dear to her heart. As Carissa grew older, she yearned to see beyond Shreveport and decided that college was the perfect opportunity. The young girl had wanted to work with animals ever since she could remember and started looking for colleges that offered Animal Science programs both on the east and west coast. After much debate, Carissa settled on California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to continue her studies and put herself on the track to becoming a vet tech.

Needless to say, college was a good place for Carissa to find her identity. She worked hard but still found time for a healthy social life. California was a strange land for the Louisiana native but it managed to be a breath of fresh air for her, letting her know that there was a world beyond the one she had known for the first eighteen years of her life. As time went by, California began to feel more and more like home. So it was really no surprise that Carissa decided to move to Orange County after graduating in 2011, especially with her sisters nearby. The life that Carissa made for herself was a good one with a job at a local animal hospital, family nearby, and making good friends. She really thrived until the summer of 2013 when her father was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Instead of wallowing in their collective misery, the Walker family packed up into their RV and made sure to make the best of the time Calvin Walker had left until his death in November of that year.

Since her father's death, Carissa felt lost. Her attempts to be strong for the sake of her sisters were in vein, as she put her own health at risk and wound up in the hospital with an ulcer and malnutrition in March. Carissa could never imagine a world without her father but it's a reality she's been attempting to cope with, one day at a time.

one graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in 2011 with a degree in Animal Health Sciences. two used to maintain a vegan lifestyle. she now is adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle after a stint in the hospital in early march 2014 for an ulcer and malnutrition. three has an embarrassing love for taylor swift that she even hates herself for at times. it's not her fault her music is catchy. four is left handed five ran track and field in high school, still actively runs. six suffers from mild asthma but doesn't let it get her down from having an active lifestyle. seven is more spiritual than religious but still enjoys going to church every other sunday. eight her shining accomplishment is winning a district spelling bee when she was twelve. nine owns a turtle by the name of sheldon cooper and a dog by the name of comet. ten had a stutter when she was younger, her parents encouraged her to join her school's drama club to help with public speaking. eleven her middle name is vivien, thanks to the gone with the wind actress. twelve in love with classic movies. if it has audrey hepburn in it, chances are, she's seen it and loved it. thirteen is naturally blonde but has been known to dye her hair brown on occasion. fourteen her favorite genre to read are fantasy books, including the lord of the rings trilogy and the work of neil gaiman. fifteen has a certain knack for putting things together, is good with her hands and learned how to fix cars from her father. sixteen believes in karma. if she puts good energy out there, she hopes to receive it back in the future. she's always the first to offer to help someone out. seventeen was prone to getting sick a lot as a child, she was always the first to catch whatever was going through school and was prone to frequent stomach problems.

parents calvin walker (deceased) + carolyn walker
siblings charlie walker-bishop, carrington walker, chelsea walker
ISFP disorganized, timid, prone to discouragement, socially uncomfortable, does not like leadership, suggestible, not self confident, not aggressive, lower energy, fearful, anxious, easily distracted, prone to discontentment, guarded, not confrontational, prone to longing for a stabilizing relationship, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, easily disturbed, fears drawing attention to self, prone to confusion, private, second guesses self, prone to quitting, underachiever, fears rejection in relationships, emotionally moody, prone to sadness, dislikes change, indecisive, modest, doubting, prone to laziness

