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    "She's Harley freaking Quinn in the ads. But she's Harley fucking Quinn in the movies."
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    A Woman Who Has The Right To Murder Me: Arianne Merendino
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    Yeaaahhh... Arianne Merendino was flawless in Birds of Prey so take that down in your notes.
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    "My youngest daughter, Arianne, is the same person as I remember her being when she was 17. Of course she's grown but she still has a million ideas of what she wants and wants to do. We did something right with raising her and her being frugal with her money and giving to charity than dropping so much money on material items. Her mother was always like that too. Have fun with what you've got but stay humble. I'm very proud of her". -Matt Merendino
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    Sean's instagram story with Arianne having dinner at Five Guys and where she pretty much admitted that she's a bottom.